Thursday, February 25, 2016


Being part of a PRO LIFE Ministry is very exciting! You never know what is going to happen each day when you get up.  I did not witness this baby' life being saved, but I am so happy to hear the good news.

All glory to God - another precious baby's life was saved at the abortion facility this past Saturday on February 13, 2016! 

One of the pro-life counselors spoke with a young lady and her driver as they were exiting the abortion facility.
The counselor directed them across the street not only to avoid blocking the driveway of the facility but also to avoid the abortion facility-parking attendant who began yelling at them.  
The young lady was seeking an abortion because of medical concerns, which she discussed with the counselor.
The counselor addressed those fears and gave her information directing her to the proper medical facilities where caring doctors and nurses could help her and her baby. 
The young lady was very much relieved and excited to receive the information.  Thanks be to God.  


Saturday, December 26, 2015

What does it truly mean?

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

my true love gave to me ----- "my true love"  refers to God  and "me"  is you & I

12 lords a leaping ---are the 12 basic beliefs of the Catholic Church as outlined in the Apostles Creed.

11 pipers piping --- are the 11 Apostles who remained faithful after the treachery of Judas.

10 ladies dancing -- are the 10 Commandments

9 drummers drumming --- are the nine choirs of angels which in those days of class distinction were thought important

8 maids a milking --- are the 8 Beatitudes

7 swans a swimming -- are the Seven Sacraments

6 geese a laying -- are the 6 Commandments of the Church or the 6 days of creation

5 golden rings --- are the first 5 books of the Old Testament called the Torah which are generally considered the most sacred and important of all the Old Testament

4 calling birds -- are the Four Gospels

3 French hens -- are the 3 Persons in God or the 3 gifts of the Wise Men

2 turtle doves -- represent the 2 natures in Jesus: human & divine or the 2 Testaments, Old & New

And a partridge in a pear tree  --  "partridge" is Jesus himself

              and the "pear tree" is the Cross

This article about The Real Meaning of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was written by Father Edward T. Dowling, S.J. and the Source:

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Rosary with Bishop Guglielmone


The Rosary
with Bishop Guglielmone

Date: October 14, 2015         Time: 7pm
In front of the Charleston Women’s Medical Center
1312 Ashley River Road (Hwy 61)

Pro Life Youth Group from Immaculate Conception Church
will be leading us in the Rosary.

Please keep in mind that this Saturday will be an opportunity for our pro life community to come out and stand against the evil of abortion and against the evil that is happening inside Planned Parenthood clinic all across America. 


  Saturday, October 10, 2015
9:00am – 11:00am
in front of
Planned Parenthood
200 Rutledge Ave.

Several Pastors will lead us in prayer!

We have permission to use the parking lot of:
Church of the Holy Communion
218 Ashley Ave.

 “The only thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Counting the days

I remember our first grand baby and how we would count the days!

Our daughter spent her time praying for her baby. She spent time decorating the room, buying items, making plans for this baby.  She took walks and talked for hours with friends and family about this precious baby.  It was a wonderful and loving time for us all.

With 6 days left till 
40 Days for Life begins  
I want to encourage you to start counting & praying.

Counting & Praying 
                                            is like 
                                                     spiritual decorating. 

By counting the days till our part begins.
We have time to pray for God to guide our words and actions.

By praying that Moms will choose LIFE.
And allowing us to share Prayers & Support.

By the way.....
how did I prepare for our grand babies?

I made this sign for the front door!