Saturday, November 26, 2011

Stand Up for LIFE
Pro - Life March and Rally

                            Abby Johnson
                        Author of unPlanned
                       Saturday, January 14, 2012
                           Columbia, SC
                  State House ... Gervais Street
            11:30 a.m. Line up for the March 
          at Russell House on Green Street
           Knights of Columbus 
        lead march to the S.C. State House.
Noon --- Rally 
begins at the 
State House 
on Gervais Street side.

Although this is not a 40 Days for Life event we are very happy to support this Pro Life March and Rally.  Please contact us if you have any questions.

Campaign Director 2011 Malcolm Brennan

Prayer Vigil Coordinator 2011 Donna Barber 843-797-1131

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The reports are in.... Wonderful NEWS....

            Below are a few of the countless blessings from God.
        Go to the national website:
           for more information.

                                                422 cities 
                              with 1,633 individual campaigns

            people joined together to pray & fast to end abortion


           church congregations participated

 5,045    babies     saved!!       
in the past 4 years...

abortion workers quit their jobs 
                              and walked away from the abortion industry...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Citadel Cadets

October 21, 2011
  Friday night a group of Young Adults from the Cathedral were saying the Rosary at the abortion site when they were surprised by the arrival of Citadel Cadets!!  
  One young woman shared with us on Facebook, that the Cadets were freshmen and had to request special permission and then rely on a cab to get them to and from the abortion site.  
God bless these young men for having the courage to ask and stand by their faith.
They have truly blessed all of us. 
  As for the cab ride, our director, Malcolm happened to be there and gave the men a ride back to the Citadel later that night. 

College of Charleston Catholic Campus Ministry

September 18, 2011
  Just like everything in the world we tend to hang out with our own kind. For me, that means I hang with the 50 and older crowd... which leaves me in the dark when it comes to what the 25 an younger crowd is doing in the Pro Life movement.  
  I share all this to let you know how honored I was when on September 18th the College of Charleston students who are members of the Catholic Campus Ministry allowed a small group of us in 40 Days for Life to attend a supper with them and our Bishop.  
  Bishop Robert Gugleilmone was doing their Mass at St. Patrick’s and he had agreed to an open discussion with the students about LIFE issue they face everyday on campus. 
  The evening went smoothly and I left with a better understanding of the challenges our college students face. 
  At our next Rally... some of the students came out to support 40 Days for LIFE.  God bless them as they grow in their witness both on and off campus.  Every time I see them praying in front of the abortion site I praise God for their courage!

not ONE .... but TWO

Doors open into the abortion business everyday. But when two elderly women walk inside with a Bible ... well jaws drop open. 
A few weeks ago Patricia and Laurie were standing outside our abortion site when in pulled a car. They joked with each other that these ladies were a bit  old to be receiving services. THEN they saw the small box. At first Patricia was not sure but Laurie thought she might know what they were carrying inside and who they represented. 

   So when, two ladies came out, our women asked if they were with the Gideon Society.  The two elderly ladies said Yes, and that the folks inside had agreed to take a Bible.  Well, just as Patricia & Laurie were adjusting to that shock, a worker from inside stepped out the door and asked if they could have ONE MORE BIBLE. 
   What a blessing to know that God’s word is physically inside the building. I pray the Bibles sit in the waiting rooms and that the women & men will look upon them and be reminded of God’s Love and the Grace that Jesus has for us. Maybe some will remember their childhood Faith and walk out.   

                What a miracle ... two Bibles in that building...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Victory Rally Celebration

Annette  for Immaculate Conception

Daniel for  Divine Redeemer

Pro Life  Immaculate Conception

Clare & Bill  for  Blessed Sacarament

Wendy, Danny & Jimmy  for  Church of the Nativity 

Donna & Daniel

Adrian  for  Divine Redeemer

Kathy for  Divine Redeemer

Don, Malcolm & Diane

Bishop Guglielmone

Tim & Bob

Carlos & Deborah for Cathedral

Bob  for  Deer Park Baptist Church

Pro Life group for  Divine Redeemer

Donna the youngest Pro Life Captain!!

Kathy Director of Diocese Family Life Center

Robbie & Tim

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Half - steppin'

I have often heard it said that men speak a language all their own.  I am sure women everywhere have listen to the men in their lives talk about a technical knock out, an in-field homerun,  nothing but net, snake eyes, bully's eye and two eyed jacks!  
  When I was out in front of the abortion site last Friday I heard a phrase that surprised even me.  
   Jack had been coming out to pray every Friday during our 40 Days for Life campaign. He often shared with me conversations he would have with the men who were accompanying the women seeking an abortion. Most times Jack's conversations sounded a lot like mine.  But this time he went straight to man speak!  
       There was a young couple that morning who had arrived rather early. After they walked in the young man came out and walked along the grass to his truck.  Jack walked along and talked with him.  Jack discovered the young man wanted to keep this baby.  
At that moment Jack gave the young man this timely advice :  
"If you want to keep that baby you have go in there and tell her  YOU want this baby.  You can't go in there half-steppin'.  
You have to say I want to keep this baby. If you tell her that she will come out with you."
         Guess what happened next?  He went inside, they walked out, got into his truck and drove away.  In those few minutes Jack spoke clearly and from his heart.  Jack gave this young man just what he needed to hear. No fancy words or slogans just simple directions. 

 Directions I might add that are found in Philippians 1:6 of the Bible.  "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."
  If you are worried about what to say when doing sidewalk counseling just remember this: If you are praying and truly sincere in wanting to help, NOTHING you say will be wrong!!
               But remember no half-steppin...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Just Praying" does it really work?

Ok you must know from the title that I am going to say it does work!  But .... before I share about that morning, let me mention a little about the two prayer warriors.
    Virginia came to me that morning and asked about speaking to the young women going into the abortion site. She said, " I want to say the right words, I want to not be afraid."  She expressed how she was open to be lead by God to speak.  I can share personally of her honest desire to help any young woman looking to have an abortion, because I have seen Virginia at the site praying many, many, times.  She left the Life mobile and walk over to the driveway entrance. She stood on the grass and began her rosary.  
    This same morning Dallas came again to pray his rosary.  To see him any other place, you would notice right off, how life had been hard.  His eyes, always friendly, also had the hint of pain.  He had shared before how local work had dried up and he would have lots of free time on his hands.  He wanted to spend that time doing something, besides feeling sorry for himself.  He heard about 40 Days for Life at his church and he knew he could come out to pray almost everyday.  And so, he began about 35 days ago, coming out mornings, evenings and nights.  Most times he stood alone holding his rosary, lips moving eyes looking at the abortion building. His heart hurt for the young women and men making the decision to have an abortion.
     But this morning would be different for both of them.  As they stood by the driveway,  a couple of feet apart,  God set in motion what would change their whole day.  Dallas later said that he noticed the vehicle had a rosary hanging on the rearview mirror. Virginia had noticed that the girl looked so sad walking into the abortion building.  They both continued to pray.  Within the course of 30 minutes this girl came out, and drove to the driveway they were standing by. She stopped and let down her window.  With tears rolling down her face, she was barely able to say the words "I changed my mind."  They listened as she shared her story of how alone she is right now. The crisis she felt with the pregnancy almost caused her to kill her baby. BUT... she saw them praying.  Virginia asked her, "did our being here praying have anything to do with your decision?"  The girl said, "YES  that is why I changed my mind".  After a few more minutes the young girl drove away. 
      I stood waiting for Dallas or Virginia to come share with me what had just happened. They did not!  In fact, they continue to pray. It was almost 2 hours later when they shared the story with me.  Having heard what happened I understood why they continued to pray!!
        I share this with you today, in hopes that all will see the wonderful blessings that occurred that morning. As they looked into the eyes of this young lady, her tears revealed for each of them answers from God. The young girl was agreeing with God's will for her life to accept her baby.  For Virginia, her prayer to help a lady seeking an abortion.  And for Dallas, his desire to honor God doing a hardship. 
   So, the next time someone ask you...
         Does just praying really work?
 share this story and ask them to join us in the Spring for our next 40 Days for Life prayer campaign.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Not her choice...

  I have watched many grandmothers walk along that sidewalk, but this one projected an air of indifference. Her mind was made up. Her face showed no emotions. She walked with a purpose. Her grand daughter followed along behind her. She appeared to be a lost little child, moving slowly as if each step would be impossible to make. I don't believe I will ever forget seeing them on that sidewalk walking to that door.
  That door, the same one that last Saturday the grand daughter had came out of in tears. She had only been inside for a few minutes, when she led her grandmother and her mother back outside. Her tears said it all. She did not want the abortion.  Their conversation, we could not hear, but their body language said it all. Her mother and grandmother, wanted her to go back in... but she did not.  That was last Saturday when we had rejoiced with her and praised her courage as they left.  But as I said that was last Saturday. 
  I can only imagine the battles that were fought during these past 7 days.  The words used to force this moment. The wounds of the past week were written on the grand daughter's face.  Those who remember her from last Saturday felt the pain of each step she took to that door. They begged her grandmother to listen, to give them a chance to show they could help.  They pleaded with the mother,  to please go inside and bring out her daughter. But a battle had been fought this past week and the decision would not be changed.
   I looked around into the eyes of my friends.  They had spent the past week sharing with family and friends the victory of this baby's life! For 7 days we praised Jesus for the courage this young mother had shown.  I thought I would see anger, but I did not.  I saw sorrow mixed with love.
   I am not sure my eyes reflected the Love of Christ, but they did. And I watch as they each quietly walked away to pray for this young girl.  Please pray for this family tonight. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

40 Days for Life around the WORLD!

Women everywhere are need of our Prayers.  The signs below show how God is using 40 Days for Life to reach all around our World to heal people who have been hurt by abortion and to save future families from the pain.  Look over the signs and see if you know the country they represent.

Women everywhere have been hurt by abortions.

Do you know my country by this sign?
God is  leading people everywhere to pray 

Remember to pray for all women around World



Saturday, October 1, 2011


Dear God,
If you read computer blogs, I hope you read this one. You see our struggles, You hear our prayers, You know we want to stand with You in ending abortion.  On Wednesday right before the Rally I was wondering .... will they come?  As people started to arrive, I noticed something.  
                                     These were NOT the friends I had invited!!  
At first, I was a little hurt but when  Bob begin to pray.... I heard YOU.
  "These are MY people CALLED by ME .... they will make a difference in women lives"
And once again, You put me back into my place. Resting in Your Will not mine. 
Thank you God for being faithful to me and for the blessing You gave to everyone on Wednesday.
I love you.

Karen greeting friend

College students STANDING for LIFE

Tim and the Holy City Crooners



Bob asking us to PRAY

Director Malcolm Brennan


GOD  sent his people to Pray for an end to abortion.

Donna --- Prayer Vigil Coordinator