The speech below was given by our Director
Malcolm Brennan during our Cast the Vision Rally.
It has inspired me and it is my hope it will touch your life as well.
Thank you for joining us as we prepare for the 40 Days for Life Spring campaign.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to organizing this campaign and this rally.
From before time began, almighty God planned to call you and me into existence at this crucial time in human history. It is not yet clear if these are the best of times or the worst of times. History will decide if this was the time when humanity arose from a great deception and apostasy and returned to God and a great calamity was narrowly averted. History may also record that this was the prelude to a great persecution.
Many people believe that a great tribulation is about to befall mankind. Others believe that these are the last days before Jesus return. God has not revealed these things to me. All I know is that these are the days that God has granted to us. I also know that everyone here will have a last day on this earth, and that it may be sooner than we expect.
We have just marked the 39th anniversary of the Supreme Ct. decision legalizing abortion in our land. Hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers marched on Washington, and once again the media did not notice.
As we enter into the 40th year of this holocaust, the blood of over 50 million innocent babies cries out to God from our land.
The culture of death has become drunk with this blood and is showing it’s true face. Pro-abortion advocates have deceived themselves that they were supporting “freedom” and “choice”. But the recent Health and Human Services mandate requiring religious institutions to pay for insuring sterilization, contraceptives, and abortifacients shows that they are opposed to religious liberty which is the very foundation of our freedom.
I have said in the past that we do not seek primarily a political solution, but our current president, in his arrogance, has forced a political decision upon us and our response will have great consequences.
And though we must be in the world, we must not be of the world. Therefore we should not be deceived that we can save ourselves. Our salvation is in the Lord and we must follow His prescription if we want to be healed. The Lord’s prescription is that we must humble ourselves and seek His face, and do penance for our most wicked ways. Then will God hear from heaven, and He will heal our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
We must do as the Ninevites after hearing of Gods approaching judgment. We must proclaim a fast and pray that God will grant repentance to our people. That sounds a lot like a prescription for 40 Days for Life to me.
40 DFL is the kind of healing response that can unite the people of God. We do not hurl accusations or display horrific images to the people we meet at this clinic. These women have been deceived and turned against their very nature. They are like the victim, in Christ’s parable of the Good Samaritan, who have been robed and beaten and left for dead. They are our sisters and daughters and we are called to tend their wounds.
But forgiving does not mean condoning.
Our duty is to call them to repentance so that they and we may receive God’s mercy.
So how do we prepare for this difficult (some say impossible) mission?
· First we must trust in God for we have not been given a spirit of fear.
Do not be afraid of offending men, be afraid of offending God.
· Take the fasting part of this campaign seriously. If your health does not permit abstaining from food, then find another significant sacrifice and offer it daily to God.
· We are commanded to go out and spread the word.
Invite your friends, your family, your neighbors, and your pastors to participate in 40 Days For Life campaign.
Make it a goal to bring at least one more person into this movement.
God has called us to such a time as this, and he has a unique purpose for each of us. I can not wait to see what God will do during this upcoming campaign.