Saturday, March 24, 2012

19 years ... 1 letter

Around 1am the other night, Malcolm, was sitting outside our "Life-Mobile Truck" when a young man walked over to  him.  The story he shared was short and to the point.  

19 years ago he received a letter from a former girl friend 
and with it was a photo of an aborted baby. 
As shock gave way to understanding he felt his heart slowly start breaking.

Now, 19 years later, one question still haunted him.  
So tonight he asked Malcolm the one thing he needed to know.

   Do aborted babies go to Heaven?

I don't know anything about their relationship.


I do know that for almost 20 years 
one thought broke his heart 
each night when he laid down to sleep. 

Is my baby in Heaven?

Malcolm shared with him 
    the babies are innocence in God's eyes

They talked a for awhile and then the young man walked away.

Please pray for him tonight.  

Thursday, March 15, 2012


We were very inspired by the following speech that Dr. Kevin Baird gave. I hope it will encourage you as you pray with us during this Spring Prayer Vigil.

I want to thank the FORTY DAYS OF LIFE leadership for the invitation to share for a few moments. You have taken a great risk, as I have been known to be long-winded and to the point. 
I want to first thank all of you who have been here at this site through the years with little encouragement and support from those of us who share your views, but never inconvenienced ourselves to stand with you. It’s time to change that.
I personally repent for the past and my hope is that in some small measure, you will feel encouraged and renewed for the cultural battles ahead.
[This year was the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  1 year short of a generation, Our President said, “He celebrates that anniversary for all our daughters”. You may celebrate this evil Mr. President, but there are a growing number who mourn.]
I do not celebrate the fact that 3,000 innocent people are murdered every day (1.2 million every year) in America without trial, no legal representation, and no opportunity to defend themselves. (Every 20 seconds over the past 39 years, a baby is killed. 180 in just the time we spend at this vigil

Let the weight of that sink in. 54 million lives are gone. That is a natural disaster that would wipe out: California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and Washington combined.
Having said that, in these past 39 years there are some things we can now analyze and understand with certainty. It contains both bad news, as well as good news.
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first.
Many Christian ethicists told us that legalized abortion would open a box of incredible moral dilemmas. They told us that demeaning life at its nascent stages would cause us to demean it at every stage. We now know they were right.
Everything from end of life termination, mercy killing, assisted suicides, to a recent article in “The Medical Journal” from two Australian Ethicists who now advocate what is being called, “After-Birth” abortion, which is simply a new name for infanticide. They say that the same convoluted logic and reasons that are now used for a pre-born abortion can also be applied to a baby who has breathed air for several weeks. (In less than a generation from Roe v. Wade, we have become no better than the worshippers of Molech from Assyria who routinely sacrificed their children to worship their demon gods and then infiltrated the nation of Israel with their pagan practices.) We knew, intuitively, that this is where it would lead.

But despite that, there is some good news..
Statistics tell us that we are slowly winning the abortion debate. 
More & more people are “getting” the issues of abortion. 
Our technology has made things crystal clear. 
What is growing inside a mother’s womb is not some unidentifiable blob of flesh or sub-human species…it is a baby. 
The baby has its own unique finger prints, unique DNA, unique blood type. It reacts, it feels, it moves…it is one of us, and more than that, 
that baby is a creative work of God.
PSALM 139:13-16, For YOU formed my inward parts; YOU covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise YOU, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are YOUR works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from YOU, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. YOUR eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed, and in YOUR book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.
But abortion advocates say, “Oh no…it’s a fetus”
FETUS (Latin) – “Unborn Baby”

You see…abortion advocates want to play this shrewd game with semantics and vocabulary. It’s what racists tried to do with our African friends when they said blacks were property and not persons. It’s what the Nazis tried to do by depersonalizing the Jews so they could be eliminated. You see, you must depersonalize and dehumanize a person semantically, before culture lets you exterminate them practically. The same culture that will cry out for a mistreated dog or cat, will board ships and chase Japanese trawlers to save whales, and regulate and fence in the trees to save them all over Charleston County…will turn their head when it comes to the unborn. (It took me 11 months to mitigate the cutting of ONE oak tree as I navigated the regulation and approval process of this county. And yet, a young girl, with little to no regulation, little counseling, and rarely the whole story…can swiftly terminate a life. Something is profoundly wrong with that picture.)
We are not battling with these scared and wounded young women.
 Paul said, “Our battle is not with flesh and blood”. 
We are battling fear, ignorance, and confusion.
We must contend with the spirits that are behind this place. 
(Greed, death, deception, murder)
Our job is not just to confront and identify the evil and problem, but to provide the answer and solution.
Speak of justice and speak of principle, or whether we shall stand and fight for them. We are going to have to decide whether we shall quote the words of the Declaration of Independence with real conviction, or whether we shall take that document and throw it on the ash heap of history as we adopt the message of those who insist that we stand silent in the face of injustice. When it comes to deciding whether we shall stand by the great principle that declares that all human beings are “created equal” and “endowed by their Creator” with the “right to life”, it seems to me, there is no choice for silence.
Alan Keyes Quote:
America has once again arrived at a momentous crossroads. We are going to have to decide, as we have had to decide so many times in the past, whether we shall only speak of justice and speak of principle, or whether we shall stand and fight for them. We are going to have to decide whether we shall quote the words of the Declaration of Independence with real conviction, or whether we shall take that document and throw it on the ash heap of history as we adopt the message of those who insist that we stand silent in the face of injustice. When it comes to deciding whether we shall stand by the great principle that declares that all human beings are “created equal” and “endowed by their Creator” with the “right to life”, it seems to me, there is no choice for silence.
God Bless You all!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Speech by Malcolm for Midway Rally 2012

The following words were shared with us during the Midway Rally. Malcolm has a very tender heart and truly wants God love and mercy to rain down on all of us. Please take a moment to read it.

I am encouraged to see a lot of new faces this year
 and I know that God will bless all of you for your willingness to carry this cross.  
You are like Simon the Cyrenian that helped Jesus to carry His cross, 
except that you have not been forced into service.  
Therefore your service is more meritorious.  
But before I say anything else, 
let me share with you the great results of our campaign thus far. 
For those of you who are new to the 40 DFL, 
when we refer to a “confirmed save” or “turn-around” 
we mean that an abortion minded woman or couple 
has reported to our prayer volunteers that they have decided not to abort.  
This requires extraordinary grace and
 I imagine that many others probably occur but do not speak to our volunteers.  
As of this morning, according to the International 40 DFL website, 
the total number of confirmed saves for all 258 vigil locations is 221 babies.  

As of yesterday, our vigil has witnessed 3 confirmed saves.  

More than three times the national average for a single vigil location, 
and remember these are just the babies that we know of.   
Because of your support, 
three precious children of God and their descendants 
have been spared from abortion.
It’s hard for me to believe that we are already at the mid-way of this campaign and how quickly the time is passing.    It reminds me that each moment of our earthly lives is precious because these are the only moments in time that God has given to us.  And our good works are the only thing that we will take from this world into eternity.  
Our families, our wealth, our health, our talents, and even our Faith, are all gifts that we receive from God.  Jesus said that what we do for the least of our brothers and sisters we do for Him and therefore our good works are really the only gifts that we can give back to Him.  
And the more difficult the struggle, the more merit we can attain. 
 So give thanks that we have been given this great struggle.
In Ephesians 6:12 St. Paul says:  
Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers,  
against the rulers of the world of this darkness, 
against the spirits of wickedness in the high places
So if you feel discouraged, 
tired, angry, or overburdened… 
recognize that these feelings are not from God, 
but from the accuser.
Ask God to deliver you from these thoughts 
and stay strong to the finish 
so that we may achieve the merit 
which God is placing within our grasp.

Our battle against abortion must also include 
opposition to government policies which promote abortion.  
The Obama Administration has recently mandated 
that those who object 
to purchasing abortion causing drugs for their employees should be heavily fined
This is the most serious public policy issue that we are facing today.
Though there are many reasons to oppose this unjust mandate
 but the most fundamental objection 
is that the conscience protection provisions
 of this mandate are extremely narrow.  
The consciences of most 
churches, private employers, and charitable organizations 
are not respected or protected.
 Americans who refuse to submit to this mandate 
will be fined into bankruptcy 
driven out of business by the government.
Pro Choice advocates, 
once again missing the point completely, 
want to discuss the controversial “benefits" of contraception 
in order to avoid discussing the real objections to this mandate.  
They say that this is about women’s health and the right to choose.  

But pregnancy is not a disease, and abortion is not freedom.  
Therefore we must not allow them to control the language.  
Please do not refer to this policy 
as this is a "Contraception Mandate", 
this is a Contra-Conscience Mandate 
and a direct attack on the free exercise of our religion.  
If this is part of the price of universal health care, then it is already too high! 
 And do not doubt that this is only the first payment that will be required.
The implications of this mandate alone are huge 
and they are not limited to faithful Catholics.  
But why should we expect a government 
that has refused for decades 
to defend the dignity of life, to defend our sacred liberty? 
The only question is, who will be next?  
In a world where only immorality is to be respected, 
the earthly body of Christ will be stripped of it's garments and then crucified.  
Never before in the history of the United States
 has the First Amendment been so blatantly attacked.
Not since the abolition of slavery has our liberty been so blatantly attacked.
Never before in our life time has fasting and prayer been so essential.  
Please pray for our leaders and our nation.  
So once again I thank you for your presence 
and I implore you to finish strong.  
Thank you.  

Director Malcolm Brennan 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gods Truth Opens Our Eyes

Sometimes I know we think that the men praying during the night shift at the abortion site "never have anyone stop by" 

 Last night while Kathy and John were almost at the end of their 4 -8pm shift a young man walked over. 

After a few minutes of sharing about 40 Days for Life, the young man came to his point.

 Basically, he asked, "Are the few cells at the very beginning of a woman's pregnancy really a person?" 

Kathy shared from a Mother's heart. The John shared a lot of medical facts. 

They believe that the young man walked away knowing more about pregnancy, a Mother's heart and how beautifully God has designed us! 

The love that God has for us from conception till natural death is always a wonderful message to share. 

God bless all the folks that do the night shifts and all the lonely souls they encounter.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Followed by:
The 9th Annual Interdenominational
Saturday, March 10--7:00 PM
The Charleston Women’s Medical Center 
1312 Ashley River Road, Hwy. 61 & Fuseler

Our keynote speaker is 
Dr. Kevin Baird
 Dr. Baird and his wife of 30 years, Tracie, 
are co-founders of Legacy Church, 
1401 Sam Rittenburg Blvd.

He is the Executive Director of the South Carolina Pastors’ Alliance, a network of pastors from all denominational backgrounds, united to exercise their influence in our cultural challenges and public policy debates through the application of a comprehensive Christian worldview.


Learn how to help our little ones who cannot speak for themselves here
in Charleston by contacting: 
Malcolm Brennan, 40 Days for Life Director, 843 906-5511,  
George Barber at charleston
Facebook: 40 Days for Life Charleston SC