Many have asked about the Mother who chose LIFE on Valentines Day. Well here is the story from the Pro Life lady who talked with her.
Very happy to say that on Thursday around 10:30 am a car drew up at the 40 Days for Life truck - a young lady got out.
She asked me
if she could get a pregnancy test.
**as she had seen the large sign
that is now up over the doorway of the truck**
I told her that if she just goes down the road they would help her. I gave directions and the business card of DAZZ.
She then asked me to speak with another person in the car. It was then I noticed an older woman driving (Mother/Grandmother?)
I informed all of them that I was happy that they had stopped to speak with us - instead of going over into the CLINIC - the older woman agreed with me.
I also shared about DAZZ and all the good things that they could do and no payments necessary. I gave them directions again. Gave the young lady some literature including the one SEE ME GROW which she opened immediately and off they went.
Around 11:10am on my way home I passed by DAZZ and saw their car outside...... so hopefully all went well.
A very good start to our 40 days!