Deer Park Baptist Church has members who are faithful to 40 Days for Life.
They sign up each campaign to do 24 hours at the site.
On their day during this Spring 2014 campaign, a man leaving the abortion site in his car, rolled down his window and said:
NO abortion today!!

What a blessing to hear those words.
Image the excitement the following Sunday at Church as the congregation heard the good news:
She chose LIFE!
Please keep Praying for all the Moms & Dads.
The ones who chose Life and the ones who did not.
The saddest words I think I have ever heard were spoken to me the other day:
the grandmother does not want the baby.
Two of my friends, Laurie & Melissa were standing in front of the local abortion site, when a young lady "K" approached them. She was fighting desperately to keep her baby. And the person she was fighting against, was her own Mom. The grandmother did not want her to have this baby. And if she did choose to keep her baby --- her Mom would kick her out of the house.
I asked Laurie, what were you able to say to "K" after hearing that!
She said they talked some more and exchanged phone numbers.
Over the past two weeks, Laurie & "K" have been talking on the phone. "K" was kicked out of the house that very day!
She has a place to stay for now, she used her tax returned to buy a second-hand car that will get her to work, and despite how tough these days have been, she is excited to be having her baby.
Laurie & Melissa has been praying for "K" and I believe God is at work in "K" life. Her road looks to be a tough one.
Please keep her in your prayers.