To Obey or NOT to Obey that is the question
This morning I woke up at 6:30am and I was wide awake. Something was moving in my heart and I knew I had to go and stand outside the abortion site. So I did what all good Christian women do on a cold morning, I waited. I ate breakfast, checked my emails, scroll through Facebook and loaded the washer. Then finally at 7:30 I knew I could not get off the hook. It was time to go! Because I normally do not wake up so early or feel the need to rush over to the abortion site, I just knew I was in for wonderful blessing. I just knew a baby would be spared and a Mom's life changed forever.
When I arrived I recognized a few new pro life friends who were already praying along with my buddy Laurie. She & I have become warriors in a Christ center mission that we pray will one day end. We saw ourselves growing old leading Vacation Bible School and singing in the choir. But never standing outside a blue wooden building as babies were being killed inside.
When the others left Laurie and I starting talking. Sharing ideas we hoped will help us reach more pro life people in our community, discussing our own desires for the women inside and wishing we were bolder or stronger in our message of Love & Mercy.
The wind was especially rough blowing over our chair by the truck, freezing our toes and messing up my hair!
Each time a woman came outside Laurie would make sure she could read the sign offering a phone number to the local pregnancy center and we each would try to share words of hope. The women would look at us, some would smile, some would look away, but all of them went back inside. And then there was this one young lady, who walked over to us. She listened for a minute or two, took a card to DAZZ walked back toward the building, make a phone call, waited on a taxi, waited on another person to come out and get in the taxi and then she left.
Did we touch her life? Did we plant a seed? Were we the answer to a prayer for anyone this morning?
As others arrived we hugged bye and thank each other for being there. It was good to have a friend to stand with on this cold windy morning.
Later at lunch, I thought about my morning. I am sure God lead me to go this morning. BUT WHY?? Then it hit me... He was asking me to do something. It was that simple. Would I obey?
No matter how the rest of my day goes... I did one thing right!
How about you?
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