Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, March 26,2011

Do you remember what you were doing that day? 
 For the Youth group from Divine Redeemer Catholic Church it will always have a special meaning to them.  That is the day they woke up early and headed down the road. BUT that morning they were not getting a early start to the beach, or meeting up with friends for some fun around town.
  NO this group was headed to the abortion site just off highway 61 in West Ashley.  That Saturday, they stood less than 100 yards from where babies were being killed.  They looked into the dark world of despair and heartbreak. They did not ask to leave early or sit this one out. They boldly stood and Prayed to our Lord and Savior to heal each woman that day who had an abortion. They Prayed for us, you & me that we would not run from the battle ground that has taken so many friends and relatives from us all.  God Bless them for  standing up for LIFE.  
  Their witness leaves us with one question...
           Where will you be next Saturday?  

Saturday, August 27, 2011

God Bless You

All this rain has been saving my house plants! I am terrible about watering  them during the winter months. So when Spring comes, I sit them outside during the rains. 
  As I sat and watched them getting soaked, I thought about our 40 Days for Life people PRAYING today in the rain. And then it hit me... Their PRAYERS are going up into Heaven and God's LOVE is raining down on them. 
  They are receiving HIS love with each rain drop.
Don't let getting wet keep you from standing in a little puddle and PRAYING!
   God's blessing are flowing down.

Friday, August 26, 2011

10 Mothers chose Life for their BABIES

On Sunday April 17, 2011 we will have finished this 40 days  24/7  Prayer Vigil in front of the abortion site.
Every day and night for 24 hours someone has been there praying. During the day as women go in & out of the abortion site we have been talking with them. I am so happy to tell everyone that as of this moment 10 women have chosen to keep their babies!!  We are so thankful for your PRAYERS.  This is truly a ministry that only depends on your prayers. We have no corporate sponsors, or items we sell, we only ask for PRAYERS.
    We stand in front of the abortion site and we pray, try to talk with women and if we can give the women a card that tells them where to find  REAL  help and all for FREE.  Thanks to LOW COUNTRY PREGNANCY CENTER and BIRTH RIGHT!!!   
 We have no idea how many changed their minds and did not tell us.  
   So as we close out this Spring campaign of  40 Days for LIFE, I want to encourage all our friends to keep praying for us.  The Charleston Women's Medical Center will still be doing abortions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but this ministry will not be in front 24/7 like we were these past 40 days.   
 We will be back September 17, 2011 for the Fall PRAYER VIGIL.... hope to see YOU there.
God Bless You and Keep You

God's Grace at work

On my way home Sunday I was traveling along Hwy 61 and saw this family standing at the corner of the Charleston Women's Medical Center.  I was amazed by what I read.
 The father's sign read: "I miss my middle child"
 The mother's sign read:  "I regret my abortion"
 One daughter's sign read:  "Babies are important"
 Youngest daughter's sign read:  "I love Mom"

How amazing is God's Grace. He has healed the parents and given them strength  so they can reach out to others. I had a wonderful time standing with them along Hwy 61 and waving to passing cars.  
Thank you Jesus for your wonderful gift on the Cross.

Local Pro Life Leaders Attacked on Saturday

Today in front of the Charleston Women's Medical Center which is the local abortion site here, two men who come out on Saturdays to pray the Rosary were attacked.
 A man named "Larry" came walking up the street pushing a lawn mower. When he appoarch the spot where a group of Catholics were praying the Rosary, he turned on his lawn mower and started pushing it into the legs of two men. This mower was running, the blades were cutting the grass, and he was yelling and bumping into these two men. 
   Another man, who comes out on Saturdays, saw what was happening and came over to help our Catholic friends. The police were called and reports were filed.  
 Please pray for everyone who comes out to the abortion site. If you can PLEASE come on Saturday and pray with us.

Cast the Vision Rally

September 16,  2011 
Deer Park Baptist Church
8875 University Blvd, North Charleston
 7:00pm  Friday night
 Refreshments to follow

Keynote Speakers:

Marshall Stanley, Hospice Chaplain with Odyssey Hospice with a16-year track record as an educator shares his powerful message that LIFE is God's Creation from conception until death. He enjoys life with his wife of 25 years and their 3 daughters!

  God is Amazing!