Sunday, September 28, 2014


The PRO LIFE message is popping up 
                                            all around us during this campaign!  

This billboard is in 5 different places!

I-26 west of Dorchester Road
Dorchester Road 0.2 miles west of Fellowship Road
Cross County Road 0.5 miles north of Dorchester Road
US 78 east of Royle Road
Rivers Ave. 0.2 west of Durant Ave.

**After Alice Paul, the author of the original Equal Rights Amendment told FFL cofounder Pat Goltz that the early American Feminists were pro-life, FFL historians were the first to research and reveal the truth to the feminist and pro-life movements: Without known exception, our feminist foremothers opposed abortion (and like Susan B. Anthony) sought to address the root causes that drive women to abortion. Learn and share our original research and help FFL herald a better day when we fulfill the unrealized dream of Susan B. Anthony. **  (this quote is from the FFL website)

Our orginal billboard is still spreading the message of 
our Lord and Savior.  

He is our Creator.  
He had us in His care even before we were born.
What a beautiful billboard to show True Love. 

I did list the location of this billboard because I am hoping you have seen it and will post the location!  Just a cute game to see who has spotted it!!

Please pray that new friends will see the signs and join us on this campaign.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Revitalized with Pink & Blue

Would you spend a few hours praying for 40 days?

Would you pray inside a small house on the back of a blue truck? 

Would you pray under a pink roof? 

Would you pray sitting on pink steps? 


our revitalized 
40 Days for Life truck!!  

September 24, 2014
First day!


Bill & Marcie from
St. Theresa Catholic Church
John from
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Our door is always open!

Free material for Moms and
their family

Empty chairs waiting for you!

Greet folks with a friendly Hello!

                       join us 
                                as we PRAY .

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

George Barber

When I heard the news on July 25th, that George had passed away, my first thought was, "now he will see all the women and babies he has prayed for all these years and God will say, Welcome home my good and faithful servant."

With Prayer as the focus of the 40 Days for Life ministry, it was a natural fix for George. He would stand every Saturday and pray the Rosary in front of the abortion site. And during our campaigns he could be found praying sometimes day and night.  If he ever complained about sitting in the LIFE Mobile during the cold nights or sitting outside in a cheap fold up chair during the hot nights, we never ever heard it! George gave his time freely and without regret.  And I believe his prayers along with other men during the night have open doors to the hearts of women. I believe that with the men praying at night more Moms  have been saved from the pain of abortion. That more babies were saved from death.
Thank you George for sitting there and praying.

 Those who served with George on the  40 Days for Life Board will greatly miss him. His quiet leadership during our meetings was always the balance we seem to need from time to time. The way he always pushed the Board to TRY new things when we were just a little bit scared, only proved to make us a better Board.  And who will ever forget his unstoppable attitude!

I am going to share just a few of the photos from our campaigns.   I hope while viewing them you will look back and remember your own special moments with George.  And just maybe renew your commitment to saving lives.

These photos were taken at the Catholic Radio Station  on March 10, 2011.  
I had contacted them to see if we could share more about 40 Days for Life and the opportunities to help women who are thinking about having an abortion. 
When I mention the idea to the Board, George was the first to say "WE CAN DO THIS!"

George recording 

As you can see Bob was always with George.
Those two men were always laughing about something!
And if you look closely you will see Donna watching them :)

Here is Malcolm getting ready to speak.
To this day he can't believe we talked him into it!

One of our happiest days while serving on the Board.

The Life Mobile
George's old truck found new life one day when it was decided we would need a shelter at night.
This truck has PROVEN to everyone that we are committed to 24 hours
seven days a week for 40 days
to pray in front of the abortion site!

Having a local Priest bless the truck
and all who will be there praying
during the day & night

Shawn Carney, Director of 40 Days for Life, 
stopped by during our last campaign to offer words of encouragement.
This photo holds dear memories for all of us.
Bob with his hands resting on his dear friend.
Donna standing with her husband doing God's Work.
Malcolm, Cheryle, and  Karen, all long time friends with George.
All three faithful in helping bring this ministry to Charleston.
And of course, there are us newbies.... Christian, Anne, Gene, Sarah and me.
We have learned a lot from these PRO LIFE Leaders, Sidewalk Advocates
and especially our Prayer Warrior George.

George, Donna and Shawn
in front of the abortion site
in Charleston, SC

Our last Victory Rally with George.

We were giving George a standing ovation. I hope we touched his
heart as much as he did ours.
I love this photo, because it reminds me of how easily
George would raise his hand to help!

God bless you George.
We will miss you.

George devoted his life
to saving babies from death 
and Mothers from a life time of regret.

It is our hope that his example 
will encourage you to Pray for God's Love 
to reach into our hearts 
and for us to accept 
His guidance in our daily walk.

Pray for all families who have been 
harmed by abortion.

Pray for  all Moms who have 
been hurt by an abortion.

Pray for all Fathers who 
regret the lost of their Fatherhood.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

No Abortion!

Deer Park Baptist Church has members who are faithful to 40 Days for Life. 
They sign up each campaign to do  24 hours at the site. 

On their day during this Spring 2014 campaign, a man leaving the abortion site in his car, rolled down his window and said:
  NO abortion today!!   

What a blessing to hear those words.

Image the excitement the following Sunday at Church as the congregation heard the good news:
She chose LIFE!  

Please keep Praying for all the Moms & Dads. 
The ones who chose Life and the ones who did not.

Mom says YES... and stands alone

The saddest words I think I have ever heard were spoken to me the other day: 
   the grandmother does not want the baby.

Two of  my friends, Laurie & Melissa were standing in front of the local abortion site, when  a young lady "K" approached them. She was fighting desperately to keep her baby. And the person she was fighting against, was her own Mom. The  grandmother did not want her to have this baby. And if she did choose to keep her baby --- her Mom would kick her out of the house. 

I asked Laurie, what were you able to say to "K" after hearing that!
She said they talked some more and exchanged phone numbers. 

Over the past two weeks, Laurie & "K" have been talking on the phone. "K" was kicked out of the house that very day! 

She has a place to stay for now, she used her tax returned to buy a second-hand car that will get her to work, and despite how tough these days have been, she is excited to be having her baby. 

Laurie & Melissa has been praying for "K" and I believe God is at work in "K" life. Her road looks to be a tough one.

Please keep her in your prayers. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Olympic Athletes and the LOVE BOND!

With today being Valentines Day, I thought I would check out
 the love stories from some of the athletes. 

I found a theme that has been around for years. 

Can you guess the love theme? 

 Reese Hoffa  
Shot put 
competed for Team USA in the 
2004, 2008 & 2012 Olympic games

Dan O'Brien  
decathlon 1996 gold

Greg Louganis  
in Olympic games
1976, 1984 & 1988

Kitty and Peter Carruthers 
 figure skating 
Winter Olympics 1980 & 1984.

Scott Hamilton 
figure skating 
Winter Olympics 1980 & 1984

Toby Dawson 
Mogul skier
 2006 Winter Olympics

Adrian Dodson 
British Olympic boxer

Jessica Long  
Paralympic swimmer  
three gold medals in 2004 
Then four golds, a silver and a bronze in 2008!

Paige McPherson 
Olympic taekwondo 

Aaron Parchem 
2006 Winter Olympic

George Scott  
1988 Olympics silver medal

Fatima Whitbread  
British javelin thrower 
Olympics 1984 & 1988

They were adopted! 

Celebrate LIFE

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When ROTO - ROOTER shows up!

It is never a good day when ROTO-ROOTER  has to show up to your  home, but to have them come out to the abortion site might be a really bad day!

Not sure why they came but here is the photo of the truck taken October 28, 2013 at 9:19


There young family was only with us for a short time, but the impact was amazing!
He always brought his personal micro-phone and speaker, along with his camera strapped to his chest. He would spend his time standing by the drive way literally preaching the Word of God. Many men would come over and talk with him. Lots of women would ask a question or two. And many, many, days he listened to folks just plain cuss him out! But he never backed down, not once. As his wife would share with me, the Truth is in God's LOVE and this may be the only time they heard about His LOVE.
   They had to move and I will truly miss them. May God bless all they are doing.

Planned Parenthood & Health Care Navigators

In December 2013 the Planned Parenthood of Charleston, SC held a two day event, where National leaders came here to talk with locals about health care, specify Health Care Navigators. It seems that Planned Parenthood is busy trying to make sure that Afford Care Act will be paying for abortions always!
  Our PRO LIFE Community turned out to let them know we have people here who SEE them and are willing to CHALLENGE them on all fronts!  We had short notice, but I think you can tell from the photos that our best showed up!

A few others were with us that evening and the next day, but did not want their photos posted.

March 9, 2013

The body of Christ is laying siege to the stronghold of abortion in Charleston! Join us on Saturday morning, March 9th, as we place ourselves in the gap to speak for the voices that can't speak for themselves. 

When you come, you will receive a piece of red tape with the word "LIFE" on it. The red representing the blood of the innocent and the word "life" speaks for itself. As we display the cause we fight for, we are interceeding for the children who are being mass murdered. Feel free to bring your Bibles, journals, etc.

This isn't a denominational event. This is the Bride of Christ claiming territory in the name of Jesus, the Righteous Judge!

I realize that 6:30 is very early on a weekend, but if those girls can wake up to kill their babies, I can wake up to save them. If you have children of your own and it's difficult to get there please feel free to come later- but if you're single or if you're married with no children then we should be the ones to hold down the fort in the early morning hours! 

Hoping to see this group again next year!