Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When ROTO - ROOTER shows up!

It is never a good day when ROTO-ROOTER  has to show up to your  home, but to have them come out to the abortion site might be a really bad day!

Not sure why they came but here is the photo of the truck taken October 28, 2013 at 9:19


There young family was only with us for a short time, but the impact was amazing!
He always brought his personal micro-phone and speaker, along with his camera strapped to his chest. He would spend his time standing by the drive way literally preaching the Word of God. Many men would come over and talk with him. Lots of women would ask a question or two. And many, many, days he listened to folks just plain cuss him out! But he never backed down, not once. As his wife would share with me, the Truth is in God's LOVE and this may be the only time they heard about His LOVE.
   They had to move and I will truly miss them. May God bless all they are doing.

Planned Parenthood & Health Care Navigators

In December 2013 the Planned Parenthood of Charleston, SC held a two day event, where National leaders came here to talk with locals about health care, specify Health Care Navigators. It seems that Planned Parenthood is busy trying to make sure that Afford Care Act will be paying for abortions always!
  Our PRO LIFE Community turned out to let them know we have people here who SEE them and are willing to CHALLENGE them on all fronts!  We had short notice, but I think you can tell from the photos that our best showed up!

A few others were with us that evening and the next day, but did not want their photos posted.

March 9, 2013

The body of Christ is laying siege to the stronghold of abortion in Charleston! Join us on Saturday morning, March 9th, as we place ourselves in the gap to speak for the voices that can't speak for themselves. 

When you come, you will receive a piece of red tape with the word "LIFE" on it. The red representing the blood of the innocent and the word "life" speaks for itself. As we display the cause we fight for, we are interceeding for the children who are being mass murdered. Feel free to bring your Bibles, journals, etc.

This isn't a denominational event. This is the Bride of Christ claiming territory in the name of Jesus, the Righteous Judge!

I realize that 6:30 is very early on a weekend, but if those girls can wake up to kill their babies, I can wake up to save them. If you have children of your own and it's difficult to get there please feel free to come later- but if you're single or if you're married with no children then we should be the ones to hold down the fort in the early morning hours! 

Hoping to see this group again next year!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Did YOU know?

A Press Conference was held in December 2013 that shared with the public the connection between MUSC and the abortion site in West Ashley.

PRESS RELEASE                                        MEDIA CONTACT: Deborah Karafa
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                         TEL: 843-906-8287
December 11, 2013                                        E-MAIL:

MUSC  & our Public Funds are associated with the abortion industry

Lowcountry Prolife leaders have photographic evidence of MUSC doctors working at Charleston Women’s Medical Clinic.

This training, funded by our tax dollars is occurring at the state’s largest and privately owned abortion mill through an agreement Interim President Mark S. Sothmann says MUSC has with CWMC.

SC rejected the abortion mandate of Obama Care yet we use our own tax dollars to abort children in our state.  Gov. Haley was sent hundreds of letters informing and pleading with her to end this misuse of state funds to promote abortions.

State Politicians, Pastors, and Prolife Community Members across the state will speak encouraging an end to this moral abuse of our tax dollars.

Location: Cannon Park, Charleston, South Carolina
                   131 Rutledge Ave.  Corner of Calhoun Street and Rutledge Ave.

Date: December 17, 2013

Time:  12:00pm

Speakers include:
      Senator Larry Grooms of South Carolina
      Dr. Bobby Eubanks, Ridge Baptist Church
      Melissa Cole, Director of Abolitionist Society of SC
      Dr. Kevin Baird, Legacy Church


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"It is troubling, especially this time of year as we celebrate the birth of what many South Carolinians consider the greatest figure in human history, Jesus Christ; that we find a significant state institution participating with resources the destruction of life. This should not be happening."  Dr. Kevin Baird, Lead Pastor of Legacy Church in Charleston, SC

“MUSC faculty members provide staff for clinics that residents participate in order to complete their training.” Mark S. Sothmann, Ph.D. Interim President

“Because MUSC receives public funds, aka our state tax dollars, we are asking that the Governor along with our State Representatives to please remove our money from the abortion industry.“  Rev. Dr., Bobby Eubanks
Pastor of Ridge Baptist Church in Summerville, SC

The Department of Women's and Gender Studies at our own College of Charleston, has for years encouraged students to work as Escorts at the abortuary in West Ashley. The students receive credit for their course, by walking the women into the building where the MUSC doctors perform the abortion. What are these students learning? It is teaching them that liberating women allows them to kill their children. That human life is only worth saving if mom says it is ok. That mistakes lead to murder. That this is the only choice in a crisis pregnancy. Who is teaching them the Value of Life? They are only learning to kill for their benefit.
Melissa Cole, Director of Abolitionist Society of SC

We have evidence to distribute in our Press Kits.
We will distribute the kits to all press members who attend this conference.
